Open your eyes and heart....

Open your eyes and heart....
All because of Allah s.w.t

Monday, December 6, 2010

How to Reach an Audience Through Blogging

Recently, blogging has become a trend among the people all over the country. They used blog as one of the medium in marketing, communication, expressing their ideas and thoughts and so on. For example, Ustaz Hasrizal has his own blog to express his ideas and opinions in Islam and in the same time, his followers gained new information and also open their mind to see life in other perspective. If you want to become like him, has a followers, readers and can help inspired people that read your blog, you may use these tips to improve your blog and get attention from other blogger. It is my personal opinion through my observation and experiences.

As we know, human's eyes get more alert and attracted to images and colours. So that, for me, first thing I have to do is make my layout and blog template attractive and colourful. BUT, be careful with the colours that you have chosen. Make sure that the colour is not too dull or too bright and also the combinations of the colours are in right. Please arrange your images properly so that the readers can read your article in proper manner.

Besides that, your may put your blog description. Readers will notice what your blog all about is. For example, in my blog, I used "the Path to Him" as my blog description. so that, when other blogger see it then they will know that most of my posts are about religion (ISLAM), motivation and passion in my journal to seek for His guidance. Blog description is essential for those who seeking of the followers and readers. It helps your reader to know you better.

Have you gone through a blog with bombastic words or too much slang and at last, you didn't get the idea of the blogger? I've read it before. It's good and have nice environment. BUT, I'm sorry because I didn't get the whole idea. There was something I've missing out. I can conclude that, you may use some simple words to make your readers understand what you have written. For me, it is not only about the languages used but it also includes the way you speak out you ideas. If your words are superb but somehow your readers get the idea wrong, it’s useless.

If you is a beginner, you don't have the followers, then please leave a comment to other blogger post. If you do so, the blogger can trace you back and follow you. Some of the blogger have added the chat box and make their blog as a relationship- builder. Actually it is a good thing about blog. You can make friends with other even from other country.

Last but not least, make your post title attractive. Most of the readers become more eager to read your post if your title touched their heart. Same goes to me. I do love read post that sound good to me. As a conclusion, we can reach our audience if we can manage to make our post attractive and reader friendly. Interesting post and layouts also can help you to reach an audience through blogging. Thank you.


  1. I like the honesty in your blog.
    I understand that in all things, you seek Him.
    I do too.
    This particular post has simplicity as its cornerstone. However, remember that it is not a flaw to intensify penmanship or the art of writing, if it draws other readers who also have a love for language. You will discover one day that the way something is written can either give half the picture, the whole picture or maybe the wrong picture.
    This is why ever since I read Tolkien, I have not found another book that I can sit down with for hours.

  2. thank you for both of you.
    to majordad: I will try my best in writing.=)
